Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Musical Update

 Anthony  V.  Mostardo,  Musucal Director, San Diego Festival Chorus visited our studio to upgrade his Bio picture for the Tenth Anniversary Winter Concert  program. The program will be performed Sunday, December 12, 2011 at 3 PM. College Avenue Baptist Church, 4747 College Avenue, San Diego.
For more information visit this site:

Click any picture to enlarge

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Flag Day

We had to replace our store bought fiberglass flagpole that DE-constructed by itself after a little over one years use. So, I made this twenty foot metal flag pole. My deadline for its construction was June 14th, which is officially Flag Day. Having bought the pipe, welded it together, sanded it and primed it, it was finally time for the last item - paint. Before I tell you how the color was chosen, I need to explain that I painted three candle holders that were a prize find at Santee Swap Meet for 5 bucks. I painted them to match the flowerpot, that matched the swimming pool.

Now, when I asked Deinna what color I should paint the flagpole, she said ..... (expletive deleted) "BLUE". I guess she must be going through some strange period in her life, some 'blue period' perhaps. I just hope she doesn't get some wild hair and want to paint the house . . . or maybe she's just watched Avatar too many times.

Anyway, that's the story of how we ended up with this BLUE flagpole . . . that matches the blue candle holders, that matches the blue flowerpot, that matches the blue swimming pool. I'll sure be glad when I run out of this blue paint.

Read more about FLAG DAY at the The National Flag Day Foundation

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Red Eye Fix in Photoshop

Learn the secret to red eye repair and some other quick fixes for Photoshop. This video contains a bad word, so skip it, if you will be offended.